Monday, September 24, 2007

Mesquite Nevada to California

This is the RV park at the Oasis RV Park in Mesquite, Nevada. This is where we stayed two nights just to recoup from the two days of solid driving from Deadwood. It was a really nice RV park and had all of the amenities.

There was even a casino right next door. It was a lot like most other casinos in that it just continually took my money.

This was the great view from the pool area. The pool was refreshing although it was kinda cold at first.

We left Mesquite quite refreshed and about an hour later we were going through Las Vegas. Lots of traffic there so when my brother Bob called, I had to let Mona take the call. I had too much other things to watch.

Here we just had to get a picture of what is probably the most well known casino of them all, Caesar's Palace.

The rest of the pics are from the last 100 miles of the drive. Just basically desert pictures. Pretty, but desolate.

This one shows the Calico Mountains and the desert in front of them. The one tall plant out there is what I believe to be a Joshua Tree. Either that or just a big cactus.

That will be all to this post. I will show you where we are spending the next month in the next post. It will include the RV park we are staying in and some more pics of the Calico Mountains. Somewhere down the road We will visit the Calico Ghost Town. Will post all about it then. So, I'm done for today. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

From Deadwood/Sturgis to Nevada

Here was a picture we got of a statue in Sturgis just before we hit the road towards Nevada on our way to California. We decided to hang out with Woodie & Cleda Jane, our friends who are in the music theater business. They are going to a place called Callico Ghost Town, where they hope to open a Cowboy Comedy Playhouse. We will be helping them anytime we can.

This is a picture of Mona adding some Tranny Fluid to our parking brake system. What a place to put the reservoir, underneath the coach. It is a pain to do but we have had some trouble with it and this is the only way we have to deal with it at this time. I only wish I could breath so I could be doing the work instead of my poor little beautiful bride.

That is Cleda Jane standing there holding the fluid jug. That girl can sing!

This picture is one of a sand storm we drove into on the interstate. The police had everyone detour off the Interstate for about 10 miles just to go around the storm. I guess it was white out conditions on the Interstate so we had to go a different route.

This was at the Rest Stop we stopped at to eat a bite of lunch. This was also the place that Mona worked on the Motorhome. It was a very beautiful place in the middle of nowhere.

Here is the only tunnel we traveled through. It was somewhere in Utah just after we left Wyoming.

This is just some more of the scenery we saw as we traveled through Utah. Pretty stuff but the more you see of it the more it all looks the same.

Well that concludes today's post. I will do the trip from here to California in the next post.
Til then, adios.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Cool Deadwood Nights

This post will have just a few choice pics of the classic and cool cars that were in Deadwood for "Cool Deadwood Nites". Not much I can say that the cars can't say for themselves. Enjoy!

I have many more pics but just not enough time or room to post on here. Get with me the next time you see me and I will show you any of the pics or extra pics that I took on this vast journey. They are all on my computer. Thanks for looking.
We will be leaving this area soon and I probably won't post much until we get to traveling again. Of course when on the vagabond lifestyle, ya never know, so keep watching the site for new posts. Till next one, Bon Voyage.