Thursday, December 20, 2007


I just realized that I had not put an entry in the log in some time so I decided that it was about time I got something else in. The reason for the lull in postings is basically that we just have not done much in the past month or so. I man the gate 2 days a week which pays for our RV space (this is what I have referred to as workamping). Mona has been working as a waitress at a restaurant called Arizona Joe's. This brings in whatever spending money we need. I have kinda settled in for the winter at a 55+ park and have even joined in the weekly pinochle games and a nickel/dime/quarter poker game a couple days a week. It is fun and have met a lot of interesting people in doing so. Of course we have our weekly night of Bingo at the Rec Center on Tuesdays.

This is the gate shack that I spend my weekends manning. Not a hard job at all and there is a color television, a microwave oven and a small refrigerator inside. We have a golf cart available when we need to go turn on lights or lock up rooms for the night. Pretty easy stuff.
Really not much else to talk about so I will just close out this post. Just wanted to make sure that anyone out there following my postings would know that they will continue. I think we will take another little drive tomorrow and I will have more to post in the coming days. Until then, be good to one another and have very happy holidays.