Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fort Apache & Salt River Canyon Drive

Today we went on another wonderful scenic drive. We took Rte 60 from Apache Junction up through Globe on our way to check out Fort Apache. The scene to the right was from the road as we were winding down into Salt River Canyon. Quite a beautiful area. This was a view of the canyon with the river winding its way through the middle.

This picture shows part of the road down below as shown from the same road at a higher level.

And here is the bridge that spans Salt river that runs through the canyon.

This is the Post Office from Fort Apache. Looks to be the actual building from the late 1800's.

And this is a row of Officer's Quarters housing. Nice looking stone houses that are now used as housing for the American Indians living in the area.

Overall, the trip to Fort Apache was kind of disappointing. It looks to me like it has been allowed to be run-down. I don't believe the U.S. Government even has any involvement in the daily operations of the old Fort. It appears that the Indians have been given the property back. They do have a museum but it is basically an Indian heritage museum instead of an historic outlook of the fort itself.

Well, that is it for today's post. The next trip we take is to Tombstone, Arizona, the place where Wyatt Earp, his brothers and Doc Holliday shot it out with the Clantons at the OK Corral.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Computer Crash

Well folks, There is a reason I have not uploaded any blogs for a few weeks. My new computer that I bought in May of last year crashed. Luckily it was covered on warranty. The hard drive crashed so I had took it back to Best Buy and they sent it to the service center. The worse part was they had to have it for two weeks. I wish they would have just given me a new hard drive and I could have put it in myself. Oh well, just glad to have it back. I will work on a couple new postings and put them on as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.
