Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Apache Junction to Jacob Lake on the Way to the North Rim Grand Canyon

Hey Folks!
It has been awhile since the last post and I figured I had better get something put up on the site. We left Apache Junction on the 17th of April and drove up to Flagstaff where we spent a couple of nights awaiting the roads to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon to be cleared of the snow so that we could get the Motorhome up there. We took some nice pictures of the scenery on the way so here they come.

Here we were stopped at a little roadside cafe to have breakfast along the way.

This is a neat shot of a canyon from atop a small mountain. This overlooks the area around marble canyon. Pretty cool how you can make out that big hole in the ground that is a canyon.

Here is a shot of inside one of the canyons showing the river flowing through it below. This is such a beautiful sight. Even more spectacular when you are standing on the bridge that spans it.

Here is another picture of the mountains around the canyon area. Just beautiful. I can't say enough how pretty this country of ours is. If you have not seen much of it then I implore you to do so. It can be breath taking at times.

This is an old old building that actually used to be a stage stop as well as a gas station but is now just a run down photo opportunity stop along the way to the Grand Canyon North Rim.

Well I seem to be having problems posting this and uploading pictures so I am going to call it a day for now. I will pick up where I left off with Jacob Lake to the North Rim when I post again. Our phone service here as well as our internet is somewhat spotty. I will do the best that I can and until then, See Ya!