Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Return of the Blog!

OK, I have been chastised for not keeping up on the Blog. I just got lazy and did not do anything with it. I really didn't think anyone was looking at it. Guess I was wrong. So for those of you who were missing my blog, Sorry about that. I will try to do better. I will post every few days on all of the things we did during the summer while Mona was working as the Front Desk Manager at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. She had to do a lot of working hours up there and it was a pretty high altitude for me so we won't be doing anything like that again. We did however get to see a lot of scenery that most people who go there don't see due to the back roads and having to find them. Ahh, the Good ole Jeep Wrangler!

This post will have a few of the starter pics for the North Rim. And here they go.

This is a view of the North Rim Lodge at the Grand Canyon. This was our first view of the Lodge. There are not actually any rooms in the Lodge, the rooms are all cabins with an additional two small motel type buildings. There were a total of about 200 rooms and there was about a 97% occupancy rate. Which is unheard of in the Hotel/Motel industry. So therefore, Mona was a very busy person.

Now as we came in before the start of the season, we found that the front desk was left in pretty much disarray. Mona and her crew would have to do a lot of cleaning and arranging. This picture was of the Front Desk and surrounding area.

Here is another picture of inside the lodge. Again this was before everything was put in place and cleaned up. This was the lobby just to the left of the Front Desk area. There is another lobby to the right and the Main Dining Area was to the left. The Main Dining Room was a fine dining establishment and had very tasty food.

This view is from the Terrace in the back of the Lodge on the patio. It is pretty spectacular. However later on in these posts and I will explain where they are, you will find many views that are even better.
Well, there is your teaser post for the Grand Canyon. In the next post I will show you where we stayed while we were there and tell you a little about that part of our stay. Until then, talk to ya soon.