Monday, January 26, 2009

Where we Stayed!

Ok, I know you are all on pins and needles waiting for these posts, so here is the next one.

This is a picture of the site that we had while at the north rim. Of course that is our rig and jeep.

This picture is on the road just to the front of our motorhome but looking up to the Employee Dining Room and office which is the building straight ahead at the top of the picture. The building to the left is one of the dorm rooms for workers there.

It seems that many people come in for the season and they take their meals and lodging right out of their pay. They also get substantial discounts for the rooms.

This picture shows a little of the rest of the camp site area for employees. This was early in the season as we were some of the first to arrive. The snow was still melting and not everyone had gotten there yet.

Here are some of the rest of the residents of the North Rim. You would see these guys the whole season. They would come right up near you and not even be bothered with you.

And below are some of the other residents of the park.

That concludes todays post. Hope you enjoyed it. Next post we will take a little road trip to one of everyone's favorite place. Till then, see ya !