Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sturgis Bike Rally at Deadwood, South Dakota

This is our good friend 'Cowboy Woodie' at work on the streets of Deadwood. He is the one that has the dinner theater. It is a good show and features him as "Wild Bill Hickock" and his wife Cleda Jane as "Calamity Jane". The show is called "Aces & Eights" and is well worth the price of admission. The price is $18.76 which
co-incides with the year that Wild Bill was gunned down by Jack McCall.

This picture was taken during the Bike Rally. The girl pictured was wearing a very provacative outfit, the rear of which was even worse (or better depending on your perspective).

This is a view of Main Street in Deadwood. The bikes were not only going up and down the street but were parked all along the side of the street in front of the casinos, shops and restaurants.

It stretched the whole length of the street which is about a half mile long.

Another view of the bikes parked along the street. Of course I always try and put some decent scenery in the background. ;-)

This picture did both and also shows that the cool bikes are not just for the guys anymore. This pretty girl also has a beautiful bike.

This last picture shows two definately wildly painted bikes. One is a trike. Both look to have car engines in them, hence the radiators in front to water cool those monsters.

Well that will conclude the Bike Rally pics. We went to Sturgis on the very last day so it didn't warrant a lot of pictures as everything was packing up. We did however, find some great deals on Sturgis Rally Shirts, which our brothers and sisters will find out when they get theirs. The next post will include a bunch of cool classic cars that were at the Cool Deadwood Nights festival next weekend. Til then.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cheyenne back to Deadwood

Well, it is time to head back to Deadwood. We had agreed with Papa Joe & the gang to come back there and help them out during the famous Sturgis Bike Rally that runs from Aug 6-12. So we are heading back there. We sure enjoyed our Cheyenne Frontier Days experience. We took several pictures of the fabulous scenery during the trip for your enjoyment. So here they are!

I will post some of the pictures from the rally next time. We were so busy that I didn't get many pictures taken but will post some of the good ones. See ya next time.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cheyenne Frontier Days Continued!

At the far end of the Frontier Days grounds was an Indian Village. As you can see in the background there were several teepees arranged in rows. These teepees were housing all of the Native American people that were there for the festival.

The lady pictured here called herself Red Feather Woman. She is shown here doing a talk about the wheel of life and was telling what it was supposed to represent. Each color on the wheel represents an element and also a color of people.
I will try to give my interpretation of what was being told. The White part of the wheel represented Air and the White race of people. The red part of the wheel represented the Indian people or the red man and they were the keepers of the earth. The black part of the wheel represented the black race and they were the keepers of the fire. The yellow part of the wheel represented the Asian race and they were the keepers of the water. I think I have that right, if I find out I messed it up I will come back and edit this post.

Here was another bronc buster who came real close to the camera pit and actually jumped over it and onto the track, rider still in the saddle. Pretty cool sight to see.
Well, this was a fantastic rodeo which is why they call it "The Daddy of Em All". It is a great festival that last for over one week. There are rodeo events every day, concerts every night and lots to see and do. It is however, pretty expensive. For instance the parking is $15 per day unless you are able to find a place further away to park and walk in. Concessions were as they are getting to be everywhere, very costly. Sodas and lemonade were as much as $5 each, and a small box of popcorn was $2.50. So it doesnt take long to blow a bunch of money. It is however, a great time and if you like rodeos it is one that should not be missed.
Next post will have pics on the drive back to Deadwood from Cheyenne. Till then, adios.