Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Step by Step, Contract on the House

Pretty exciting day. We signed a contract to sell the house on Monday. The wife is sooo excited, as I would be, if I got excited. Now, this presents a problem, in that we now have to start getting ready to move out, get a place to pull the motorhome to and get a place to store certain items. Then comes doing all of the physical work to get it going. It will be tough but we are both looking forward to going full time in the RV. We will be saving lots of money with her not having to drive so far to work every day. With these gas prices, its a wonder we are even still considering doing the fulltime thing. But I think all in all it will be a wonderful thing being able to see this great country we live in.

We took a little trip to visit my folks house in southern Illinois at Mt. Vernon. On the way, we went through Vandalia, which is where the original State Capitol was before it was moved to Springfield. I thought it would be neat to just take a couple of pictures of the state house. So I thought I would share this picture of The Old State House and the statue of Lincoln sitting on a bench across the street from it. This is just a very small tidbit of the items I will place on here when we get out on the road. I will try to keep it worth looking at and worth reading. I will welcome any and all comments, criticisms, suggestions or just send money.....LOL

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