Saturday, February 24, 2007

South Dakota

Now these pics were taken by me with a 35mm slr pentax k-1000 camera and scanned onto my computer. Thus they may not be as clear as the new pics I will be taking with my new kodak 6.1 mega pixel digital camera.

On our trip to South Dakota we took in the sites of Mt. Rushmore. We left there and I was able to get a great shot of a mountain goat. Then I noticed that he was looking toward a side profile of George Washington's head.

We then left our goat and continued on down the highway. A little down the road we ran into the herd of buffalo you see in this picture on the left. It was amazing to round a corner in the road and have to apply the brakes so as not to run into the herd. Still and all they were incredibly calm about the whole thing. I on the other hand almost had to change my pants.

Well that will be all for today's post. I will give you some Colorado in the next few days. Til then, see ya later.

Sorry for Lack of Posts

Sorry for the lack of posts, but have been busy moving out of the house and other things during the holidays. We are now just anxiously awaiting the closing on the house. We have decided though, that we are not going to hang around and wait. The wife has given notice at work and we are going to get everything together to start our rv'ing adventure in the first part of June.

In the next few weeks we will be getting our things out of one storage and taking it to our new storage shed that we purchased to place at my mom & dad's house. This will save us from having to pay any storage fees. Thank goodness for family, huh? Well since I have not posted for a while I will, over the next few days, post some of our past pics from trips to South Dakota, Hawaii and Colorado. Enjoy!