Saturday, February 24, 2007

South Dakota

Now these pics were taken by me with a 35mm slr pentax k-1000 camera and scanned onto my computer. Thus they may not be as clear as the new pics I will be taking with my new kodak 6.1 mega pixel digital camera.

On our trip to South Dakota we took in the sites of Mt. Rushmore. We left there and I was able to get a great shot of a mountain goat. Then I noticed that he was looking toward a side profile of George Washington's head.

We then left our goat and continued on down the highway. A little down the road we ran into the herd of buffalo you see in this picture on the left. It was amazing to round a corner in the road and have to apply the brakes so as not to run into the herd. Still and all they were incredibly calm about the whole thing. I on the other hand almost had to change my pants.

Well that will be all for today's post. I will give you some Colorado in the next few days. Til then, see ya later.

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