Friday, June 22, 2007

On the Road At Last!

OK Folks, we have finally hit the road after all the family things that had to happen before we could get out on the road. We finally hit the road on the 3rd of June. Sorry I have not posted since whenever, but once we hit the road I had no access to the internet. Finally, after never being able to hook onto WiFi due to most of them being to far away to pick up, I decided it was time to let Verizon be our internet access. So far, it is working well, the only thing is it is slow as molasses if you are not in a big city area. And believe me Deadwood and Lead SD are not that.

For example, the nearest WalMart is 35 miles away. This post will be to catch everything up.

So I guess this will be a long one. I will try to do it by dates.

June 3-June 6

This was the long journey from Kokomo, In. to Deadwood, SD. Towing the Jeep behind the motorhome proved to be more costly on gas as we now only get about 8 mpg. Our first night we decided to dry camp at a rest area just outside Walcott, Ia since we could not find a Walmart. We woke up early and hit the road again, and wouldn't you know 10 miles down the road was a Super Walmart. Drove through Iowa up to Minnesota and found that there was nothing to stop at along the way, no gas, no restaurants, nothing. We hit I-90 and started across Minnesota to South Dakota. A few miles before the South Dakota state line, we had our first catastrophie. It seems that there was a very high wind and we heard a loud pop and found that our awning had come open. Houston, we have a problem! We pulled over and got out to see if we could fix the problem. The high winds would not cooperate though, and I ended up fighting with it for a while. We finally got it to go back in and Mona got on top and took bungy cords and lassoed that mother up. It must have been a funny sight because all of the cars, trucks and RV's going by must have been laughing because noone stopped to help. That's what this world is coming to.

That problem solved (except for Mona's worrying about it) we made our way to Mitchell, SD and boondocked at the Super Walmart there. We stopped here because we wanted to check out the Corn Palace. We had heard that it was great, however, neither of us were impressed. Uneventful night. Got up and took off early and stopped again at Al's Oasis in Quacom SD where we ate breakfast. Great food, nice gift shop and grocery. This was last stop for a while.

From there to Wall SD there was awesome scenery, but not much else. We continued to Wall where we stopped for a much needed break. We walked around town and had lunch and did a little shopping. We bought a tee shirt and cowboy hats. This is where I had my first Bison Steak and Mona had an Indian taco. Food was very good. We left there feeling good because we were less than 2 hours from our destination.

We arrived at Recreational Springs Resort, outside of Lead, SD around 4 pm. Here is a picture of the area.

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