Friday, June 29, 2007

Custer State Park

After leaving Mt. Rushmore we traveled over a very hilly and curvy road which went thru several tunnels of which this was one. They were pretty neat but you had to be careful as they were one lane only. You needed to honk your horn before you entered to warn anyone coming from the other direction.

We were just hoping that we would see buffalo and other wildlife.

As you can see we were not disappointed. We not only saw about 4 donkeys along side the road but we also saw a herd of buffalo. It is really a neat sight to see these majestic animals in the wild with no fences or anything to keep them off of the road. Some people do not realize that those bison are fairly dangerous as a few people in these cars parked just off the road would have found out had they riled one of them. Luckily, or at least as far as we know, no one got hurt. You will notice on these pics that the date on my camera was turned on and yes some of our activities are showing up on the website out of order, but I am just catching everthing we did before I got internet access on the road up and running. It is now actually the 29th of June and we only have 5-6 days left here. I still am not caught up but with any luck I should be on schedule by the time we hit the road again and you will get the updates sooner to the time we were really doing them, if not the same day.

Here we are at a very beautiful lake called Lake Pactola which is south of Deadwood/Lead and just north of Hill City.

Hill City is where our next post will be about as that is where the 1880 Train originates its run to Keystone. That will be covered in tomorrows post. Until then, Asta Luego, from the Midwest Travelers, Rick & Mona Wells.

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