Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mount Rushmore

Today we went to Mount Rushmore. We have been here before, but no matter how many times you actually see this monument, it never seems to stop amazing you. I never could figure how people can carve something into solid rock and get the detail so vivid.

We saw lots of beautiful scenery on the way here. Now, for those of you who have never been here or are planning on coming here, just to let you know, there is no charge to get in. However, you do have to pay for parking which is $8 per car.

While we were at Mount Rushmore we met up with Rick's cousin Kevin and his family, wife Barb, daughter's Leah & Mikala and son Nathaniel. Sorry guys if I mispelled any of your names.

We had a great time and enjoyed seeing the sights with you.

We all stayed into the evening and was able to see the show at the end of the evening where they show a film on each of the President's that are on the Monument. After that they had the ceremony for lowering the Flag and then they lit up the monument. Here is a picture of the Monument at night after it has been lit. Pretty awesome, Huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.